--------------------------------------- CORE: The Demo & Music Contact Database By: Burning Chrome of The HORNET Team --------------------------------------- ** Requires VGA 640x480x16 ** This is Preliminary Release #1. Many of the entries are not yet complete. We are releasing this now in hopes that many of the groups will respond with Updated and Accurate Information. We plan on making CORE the most detailed Demo & Music Contact Database around. To update, change, or add a group, please fill out the enclosed COREFORM.TXT. We hope you like what we have to offer! For the best example of what CORE will look like, select "Music Groups" from the menu and choose "KLF"... This entry is almost complete (minus the Productions List). CORE still many changes to go through in terms of its database structures, it will only get better and better from where it is now... Burning Chrome bchrome@foley.ripco.com S: Piracetam (813-996-3902)